Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Lost Picture

I killed this buck on December 2, 2007 with a muzzle loader. It had a 19 and 3/4 inch spread. I just recently found the picture and thought I would post it. I have pictures of him hanging in my living room but I couldn't find any of him before I had him mounted. That is until I ran across this one a couple days ago.


  1. That's a great looking animal! What a trophy especially with a muzzle loader. That's a good supply of meat for the winter.
    I purchased a black powder rifle for my husband for christmas last year. He's always been a hunter and is very excited to try out the rifle this deer season.

  2. GREAT buck!!!!! We have deer fever here at our house... my husband is READY for bow season to start in a couple of weeks. I have gotten one myself with a muzzle loader and a BIG one with my CAR!! YIKES!! Rut season and this buck T-Boned my car...... at 2:45 in the afternoon!! Crazy buck on the look for does!!
    Anyway, NICE deer!!!!!!!!!!
