This is my rainwater tank, I've yet to install it. It will help out with the animal watering and watering the garden. It's a 1,000 gallon tank. It should help out if the summer gets dry. It shows no sign of being dry lately with all the rain, but just like every year it will turn dry about late June or July and I'll be hauling water again. Well maybe not this year.

I've been cleaning a few fence rows lately. These fences need repair before we can get some cattle, but before we can repair them we have to clean them out and they are a mess with all the multa-flora rose around here. I still need to clean up the pond bank and the road banks and many other places. I have a bunch of brush to cut and I want to cut it before it greens up good. Now I don't have to worry about snakes and bees. So I want to get it done now.
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