Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cleaning Up Two Old Sheds

I've been cleaning up these old sheds for a month now. I work on it every spare minute I get. It was and is a mess. My grandfather used to stack square bales of hay in them.
And over the years the posts have rotted and it has fallen over making an even bigger mess. I took the tin off of it a couple years ago before it fell over or I would have been a major mess now. I want it cleaned up by the middle of April; so I've got a lot of work to do.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I love poultry, but not the prices

There's nothing more exciting to me than going to the chicken house and finding eggs. It's like treasure hunting. I think that it may be the only thing that excites me as much now as it did when I was a kid. I just love checking all the nests and finding the prizes that the hens left me. They gave me five today and usually anywhere from five to seven a day and I only have seven hens.
Here are my egg makers. I caught this rooster in full crow. Everytime I open the door both roosters start crowing and don't stop until I shut the door. It's extremely loud in this small chicken house. I love those roosters anyway; they are so docile and well mannered. They are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. They don't eat that much feed and they seem to lay very well. I would recommend them to anyone and they are great for kids. My youngest son is afraid of chickens because of a rowdy Rhode Island Red rooster a couple years back and he was afraid of these at first, but now he goes right in and gets the eggs right among the chickens. They really are great birds.

I am looking to purchase some goslings or geese and I cannot believe the price of goslings. In every magazine and pamplet I look at they are anywhere from $8.00 to $23.00 a piece. To me that's high way robbery. The $8.00 ones cost an arm and a leg to ship; so if the price don't get you the shipping and the "other fees" will.

Does anyone know of any hatcheries out there with reasonable prices and shipping on goslings? If you do I'd appreciate any information you can give me.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The story behind the guinea/beagle

It all began when something ate my guineas; one by one until all I had left was one lonesome guinea. It just ran around here late last summer squawking around for a few weeks and then I started seeing it trying to follow our beagles around. Then I saw the beagles sunning themselves one day and the guinea really close by and a few days later the beagles were sunning themselves again and the guinea made herself a dirt bath really close to them and was sunning herself too. Then deer season came and we had to tie our beagles up to keep someone from shooting them. The guinea stayed close to Lucas's house all the time. She just left his house to eat and roost. Then I saw her in his doghouse one day and he was okay with it. Then a week or so later I was outside one night and checked on the dogs and there she was in the house all snug and warm against Lucas as it poured down the snow. Both of the beagles have come to accept their new weird friend/sister. When we bought some chicken three months ago she wouldn't go around them and she's just now warming up to them. At least they are birds like her and not beagles. I'm going to buy her some friends as soon as I can get a pen built with a top on it. That is the story of how the guinea/beagle began.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I've been busy

I've had a lot on my plate here lately. We cleaned up the tree in the front yard and have been cleaning on the yard for about a week. I've been redoing the strawberry beds or weed beds with strawberries in them; you can pick either one. I've been tearing down some old barn sheds that fell over last summer and they are a mess. They had some old furniture and a few other things in there that I had to dig out and get to the dump. I still have a lot of cleaning to do on it. I'll post some pictures of it later.

We cleaned off the garden yesterday evening and burnt all the weeds and such. I know you're thinking that should have been done last fall and it should have been. I got a little lazy last fall and didn't clean everything up for winter and now I'm paying for it. I have so much brush cutting to do along fences and road banks before everything greens up and I'm running out of time. The tree we trimmed in the front yard is already trying to leaf out. I down think I'll ever catch up on all the work around here; between my day job and everything else I haven't had very much time to do anything around here. At least spring is here and I'll get some good weather to get some stuff done. I hope I get a few breaks in between rain showers to get something done.

And before I forget I mowed some grass a couple days ago. I love to mow grass, but if gas continues to go up I'll be looking for a few goats or sheep to mow for me. Well that's a rant I won't get into.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A little wood and new chicks

This is what's left of the tree that was trimmed the other day. We've cleaned up just about all of the brush and hauled most of the wood to the big pile.
These are our newest additions to the farm. Ameraucana chicks. I only purchased 10 of them and straight run at that; so I hope I have at least half hens and half roosters. With my luck I have 10 roosters.

They are right at home in the stock tank/chick brooder. I have found these are great for brooding a small amount of chicks. No drafts, and safe and it holds in heat very well.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tree Trimming

I wasn't home yesterday evening to get a picture of the tree before it was sheared. This is it with one fork trimmed.

This was the tree trimmer cutting down the big fork. It doesn't look that big but I had to cut on both sides of the log to cut it into blocks and I have a sixteen inch bar on my 290 Stihl.

That is the log on the ground with some of the brush that was cut off.

This is the end result. A topless tree. I'm hoping it will bush out and be a good shade tree once again. It started dying from the top down and I wanted it topped out because it was over the power and phone lines. Not to mention the propane tank and part of the house. This is one more thing I can mark off my to-do-list.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Stocking up for next winter

First of all I wanted to say that our hearts and prayers go out to Japan and everyone affected by the earthquake and tsunami.I guess if you look at the bright side of big wet snows and strong winds; this is what you get. I cut 8 loads of wood along our road that have been broke down by the big wet snow at the end of January and what the wind blew down a couple weeks back.

With what I cut last fall and what I've cut this winter I have more than enough to do me all next winter. I have some trees around the meadow that need cut and that will add another 15 to 20 loads to the total. I guess I'm rich, but just in wood.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A few big buck pictures, mostly

I wasn't posting when deer season was in and I wanted to show everyone our kill this year and four years ago. This is the big eight point I killed in Dec. 07. I wanted to show it so I didn't feel so bad about this years kill coming up.
My mother killed this one on the first day of buck season this past year. It is a nice buck; not as big as my 07 buck though :)

This is the monster I killed the first day this year. What it lacked in rack size it more than made up for with great tasting meat. This is the first year I could get the boys to eat deer meat and they loved it. The bad part was that I only had one package left. My oldest son told me next year I need to kill more deer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This poem says it all!

This is a poem that I came across in The Market Bulletin; which is put out monthly by the WV Department of Agriculture.

I Am A Farmer . . .
By Bob Tabb
WVDA Deputy Commissioner
My occupation is not just a job - It is a "way of life"
I am a caretaker of the land and water
I am a practicing environmentalist
By the "Grace of God" I am the reason you have the most abundant, safe and economical food supply in the world
I thank God everyday for his Blessings
I am a farmer

Monday, March 7, 2011

My new Silver Laced Wyandottes

My wife and I went to Tractor Supply and saw their chicks and couldn't resist bring home a dozen Silver Laced Wyandottes. I really enjoy raising them up to laying age. I'm trying to find some Magpie ducks at some of the local stores. I guess if I can't find them I'll order them from a hatchery. I'm looking for some geese or even gooslings. I think theirs nothing prettier than a flock of chickens grazing through a lush, green pasture. I need to get some guineas so that my guinea/beagle will realize his true identity. Well that's another story.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

All that rain turned into snow

They said it would turn over to snow Sunday night, not Saturday night. The birds were out in droves eating the bird seed and crack corn. I guess the hard snow drove them to shelter.
I think it's pretty when it hangs on the timber, but to much of that and the power goes out. I hope this is the last time winter shows itself.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

More rain and chickens

I love these chickens. They are a very handsome bird. They are blue laced red wyandottes. They're about 9 months old. I get between 4 and 6 eggs a day from them. I have seven hens and 2 roosters. I alway like to keep a spare rooster.

They're saying more rain tonight into tomorrow. Something like 2 to 3 inches total. That's on top of the inch and a half we got Monday. I hope it's not like this when spring planting comes around. I've been trying to cut some brush around fences and around the pond, but everytime I get time it always rains. Well that's enough belly aching. Hey, at least it's not snow.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New girl on the block

This is my wife's new rabbit. It's a little holland lop doe. She's about seven weeks old. When she gets old enough we'll get a buck and have holland lop kits. I think she is so cute.
This is the deck with the finished railing. Our youngest son Dylan is modeling it for me. I said I was going to take a picture of it and he said I want to be in that picture. So he climbed on it and said cheese.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My honey do deck

This is the deck I was working on last spring. We finished it but I can't find a picture with the railing on.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Glad to be back, with bunnies

This is my wife's mini rex buck rabbit. He is very tame and likes to be rubbed behind the ears. He does love his lettuce.
Here's her doe. She had a litter of five and raised everyone. She is a good mother; especially for her first litter.

The babies are eating some lettuce. We sold three of them Monday. My wife is going to keep the albino one. We still have one more to sell. They are so cute when they're this small.