Thursday, March 24, 2011

The story behind the guinea/beagle

It all began when something ate my guineas; one by one until all I had left was one lonesome guinea. It just ran around here late last summer squawking around for a few weeks and then I started seeing it trying to follow our beagles around. Then I saw the beagles sunning themselves one day and the guinea really close by and a few days later the beagles were sunning themselves again and the guinea made herself a dirt bath really close to them and was sunning herself too. Then deer season came and we had to tie our beagles up to keep someone from shooting them. The guinea stayed close to Lucas's house all the time. She just left his house to eat and roost. Then I saw her in his doghouse one day and he was okay with it. Then a week or so later I was outside one night and checked on the dogs and there she was in the house all snug and warm against Lucas as it poured down the snow. Both of the beagles have come to accept their new weird friend/sister. When we bought some chicken three months ago she wouldn't go around them and she's just now warming up to them. At least they are birds like her and not beagles. I'm going to buy her some friends as soon as I can get a pen built with a top on it. That is the story of how the guinea/beagle began.

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