Thursday, July 9, 2009

Faith and Potatoes

I just finished watching Faith and Potatoes and it was great. I laughed and cried. Yeah I admit it I did. It really made me look at some things differently and sort of opened my eyes. I would recommend this movie to anyone. It is based on a true story and it is wonderfully told. It was a very touching movie. If anyone else has viewed this movie I would love to hear what you think of it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

First canning of the season

I canned up about 8 pints of kosher dill pickles this evening. I'll open up one in about a month if I can wait that long. I love dill pickles and we'll can about 50 pints or so this year. I also sold some of my squash today. I sold about 8 lbs and in a day or two I'll have about 30 or so to pick again. I think 42 hills of 4 to 5 squash to a hill may have been a few to many.

An abundance of squash and an acrobatic chipmunk

I am covered up in squash. I'm picking about 25 to 35 a day. I'm giving it away and eating it and now I'm going to sell it. I'm just glad that it's getting ate and not going to waste. I haven't found a way to preserve it that I like yet. I've blanched and froze it and didn't really like it. If anyone has any tasty ways of preserving it I'd really appreciate the information.
Now here we are with the little guy that has been robbing our bird feeder. I still don't know how he climbed up a steel pole three feet straight up to get into the bird feeder. I was wondering how those birds were eating it so fast. I came back from feeding the chickens the other day and I saw where it was going. I guess he'll have an easy winter this year with free food hanging for him all the time. The wife and kids love watching him around the yard. He is enjoyable to watch.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A few random pictures

A couple of weeks ago a big doe crossed the road and this little fellow followed her and it couldn't have been but a day or two old. It ran in the middle of the road and just sprawled out. We thought it was hurt but when we went to check on it; up and away it went. My wife just touched it's back and back to life it came.These are some of the many of cherries we picked. It was a slow and tedious job to pit them all but it was worth it. We now have a lot of cherries in the freezer for future use and use them we will.

The grape picture was taken about a month ago and they are much larger now and the vines are hanging loaded. We will not get many this year but next year I'm looking forward to all the grape juice, grape jelly and jam. If they make it that long. I love to just eat them right off of the vine. I just love to watch things like this grow from little tiny balls to grapes. It's amazing and so often over looked at how everyday little things can change and grow so fast.