I canned up about 8 pints of kosher dill pickles this evening. I'll open up one in about a month if I can wait that long. I love dill pickles and we'll can about 50 pints or so this year. I also sold some of my squash today. I sold about 8 lbs and in a day or two I'll have about 30 or so to pick again. I think 42 hills of 4 to 5 squash to a hill may have been a few to many.
Those pickles look great! I watered my cukes this evening to try to induce them to get into high gear. Everything is mighty dry here.
ReplyDeleteThat is a LOT of squash! Better to have too much than too little though, I think.
Those pickles look YUMMY!!!!
ReplyDeletemine are just starting to come on and we are eating them as fast as they are ripe.
Could you share your recipe??
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry it took so long to get back to you I had to replace my modem and I've been so busy. But anyway I just use the Ball brand Kosher Dill pickle mix. My family and I love it.
I still have a lot of squash. My cucumbers have just about stopped producing now. We didn't get any rain for a while and they haven't produce very well since even with all the recent rain we've received. It has got the squash going again.