Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treating and their first shave

I was shaving my Grizzly Adams look off and the boys said daddy I want to shave to. I went and put on some shaving cream and turned the razor over to the back and shaved them. They got a big kick out of it. My oldest Blake said he was a man now.Dylan just couldn't quit smiling. He loved it and then it was time to dress up for trick or treating.

One was a firefighter and the other was the black spider man. They filled their pumpkins up and they wanted more. I thought that was enough sugar for awhile. We all had a great time!


  1. What cute kids! I always thing of West Virginia as a warm southern state. To see the green fields around you is wonderful.


  2. Thanks. We are blessed with some beautiful scenery here and a couple of cute boys.

  3. What cute little guys! That was a cool idea to give them a "shave". I bet they really thought they were big dudes! (at least until it was time to go trick-or-treating, ha, ha!)

    I grew up in WV, so agree it's a beautiful state!
