Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall is definitely here!

It's been really cold here lately. It's in the lower 60's of the day and lower 40's of the night. I've been clearing the garden and it's a mess where I left for so long. The ragweed and other weeds are thriving though. I wish I'd cleaned it up earlier. Oh well, coulda, shoulda, woulda. I just didn't do it and now I'm paying for it. I'm getting ready to dig my potatoes and if I didn't clean the garden off it would be a treasure hunt trying to find them. I now what vicinity they're in, but exactly where they are, no. I'm looking for a smaller crop this year. I dug about 12 and a half bushel last year; not counting what I dug earlier. I'm expecting about 8 bushel this year by what I've dug so far. It'll do us and then some, but I'll not sell any this year. I don't want to run out. I hate those store bought potatoes. They don't taste very good and they usually don't look very good when you peel them.

I'm still splitting wood and I'm going to cut some more. I want to have enough to burn me two to three winters. I'm getting close to that now, but I'll cut wood as long as the weather allows me to. I love the roar of my Stihl chainsaw and the smell of fresh cut wood. I love splitting it and loading the truck and stacking it. I guess I love just about every aspect of it. The thing I love the most is the security I feel by having all the wood to keep my family and I warm all winter long regardless of power outages or not. That is priceless.

My chickens are getting ready to start laying. I've been patiently waiting for about 5 months now. Our little guineas are just about ready to put in with the chickens for the winter. Next spring we will turn them out to eat all the ticks and other nuisance bugs. I'm thinking about getting a few meat rabbits here shortly. I need to get some pens built. When I sold our last rabbits I sold cages and all. Big mistake, I should have listened to my wife on that one. I probably should have listened to wife on a lot of things. But anyway I better get to work.


  1. You should always listen to the wife ;)
    We had 36 here this morning. Brrrr!

  2. Great idea to have lots and lots of wood. Insurance policy against cold weather.
