Saturday, July 4, 2009

A few random pictures

A couple of weeks ago a big doe crossed the road and this little fellow followed her and it couldn't have been but a day or two old. It ran in the middle of the road and just sprawled out. We thought it was hurt but when we went to check on it; up and away it went. My wife just touched it's back and back to life it came.These are some of the many of cherries we picked. It was a slow and tedious job to pit them all but it was worth it. We now have a lot of cherries in the freezer for future use and use them we will.

The grape picture was taken about a month ago and they are much larger now and the vines are hanging loaded. We will not get many this year but next year I'm looking forward to all the grape juice, grape jelly and jam. If they make it that long. I love to just eat them right off of the vine. I just love to watch things like this grow from little tiny balls to grapes. It's amazing and so often over looked at how everyday little things can change and grow so fast.


  1. Wow, that fawn picture is something!

    So are all those cherries, holy smokes. :)


  2. Beautiful cherries! I don't think I've ever had 'fresh' before.
