Saturday, March 5, 2011

More rain and chickens

I love these chickens. They are a very handsome bird. They are blue laced red wyandottes. They're about 9 months old. I get between 4 and 6 eggs a day from them. I have seven hens and 2 roosters. I alway like to keep a spare rooster.

They're saying more rain tonight into tomorrow. Something like 2 to 3 inches total. That's on top of the inch and a half we got Monday. I hope it's not like this when spring planting comes around. I've been trying to cut some brush around fences and around the pond, but everytime I get time it always rains. Well that's enough belly aching. Hey, at least it's not snow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. Very thoughtful of you!

    Love these chickens -- I have not seen these type of Wyandottes. I had some silver laced at one time, but now we have mostly barred rocks.

    Hope you are having a productive day! :)
