There's nothing more exciting to me than going to the chicken house and finding eggs. It's like treasure hunting. I think that it may be the only thing that excites me as much now as it did when I was a kid. I just love checking all the nests and finding the prizes that the hens left me. They gave me five today and usually anywhere from five to seven a day and I only have seven hens.

Here are my egg makers. I caught this rooster in full crow. Everytime I open the door both roosters start crowing and don't stop until I shut the door. It's extremely loud in this small chicken house. I love those roosters anyway; they are so docile and well mannered. They are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. They don't eat that much feed and they seem to lay very well. I would recommend them to anyone and they are great for kids. My youngest son is afraid of chickens because of a rowdy Rhode Island Red rooster a couple years back and he was afraid of these at first, but now he goes right in and gets the eggs right among the chickens. They really are great birds.
I am looking to purchase some goslings or geese and I cannot believe the price of goslings. In every magazine and pamplet I look at they are anywhere from $8.00 to $23.00 a piece. To me that's high way robbery. The $8.00 ones cost an arm and a leg to ship; so if the price don't get you the shipping and the "other fees" will.
Does anyone know of any hatcheries out there with reasonable prices and shipping on goslings? If you do I'd appreciate any information you can give me.
We ordered out chicks from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio. I'm not sure how their gosling prices are- and shipping seemed like a lot but then they're express shipping live animals. I know with chickens they have hatchery assortments where they get to choose the breeds but the prices are more reasonable. I'm sure they probably have the same thing with geese.