Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I've been planting like a wild man and trying to keep up with this 4 and 1/2 acre lawn. It seems as soon as I finish mowing and trimming that it's time to start again. My baby chicks aren't babies anymore. They were around a month and a half old and all feathered out. The Rhode Island Reds look like babies compared to the extra large Cornish X Rocks. I'm moving them to the chicken house tomorrow to stay inside for awhile and then out in the lot they go. I'm feeding them all the vegetable scraps and some grass everyday on top of all the starter and grower they can eat. We've not had any rain here for about a week and a half and we finally received some this evening so no garden watering for me. It's usually up before work and watering and watering right before dark, but it's all worth it knowing that I have all this food that I've grown and that I know what is in it and on it. Plus it'll taste pretty good this winter when every one else will be eating old produce that was commercially grown and is a week or two getting here and god knows what is on it or in it. I'll sleep easier when I know I have all that food canned up and stored for the winter. Winter, well let's no go there.

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