Friday, May 8, 2009

At least I got my grass mowed

Well, guess what happened today? It rained again, but I did finish mowing my lawn before it started. The chicks got a little too hot today so I had to raise the heat lamp so it would cool down. It is so hard to believe they are the same chicks that we bought a week ago. They have grown so much. I will have some pictures up soon. We bought 13 Rhode Island Red chicks for laying and 5 Cornish X Rocks for eating. In a few weeks I'll be eating fresh chicken for the first time in a long time. I'll be hand plucking and I've never done it. I think after the first few I'll get the hang of it. I'll be ordering some more of the Cornish X Rocks in a month so I need to practice up on butchering these five. I would like to have about six to eight months worth of fresh chicken in my freezer, but wouldn't we all. So long until next time.


  1. We would love to have that much chicken in the freezer, too. We have Buff Orpingtons that are a year old now. We'd planned on getting more this year to have for the freezer, but it just hasn't happened. I wanted to tell you, we have a neighbor/friend that stocks his freezer every year and he doesn't pluck. He skins them just like you would a rabbit. He says it's much easier, especially when doing a lot of them. A couple months ago he came over and showed us how on an extra rooster that we had. It was really quick and easy. Just thought I would let you know that if you don't really care about the skin, it's a lot easier than the scalding and plucking.

  2. Jennifer, I do agree that skinning is a lot easier than plucking and my wife and I agree that is more than likely what we will be doing. My wife would prefer no skin, but I like my baked chicken and dumplings. I like Buff Orpingtons and they were actually my first choice for chickens, because they are good layers and very broody. They also dress out as nice meat birds. I really appreciate any information and advice. Thanks
